I have been reviewing, mostly books, for several years, but I didn\’t start sharing those reviews on social media until August 2022, give or take.
I just went and looked… I reviewed my first item on Amazon in 2006. That\’s a WOW to me! I knew I had been reviewing for a while, and had gradually gone from reviewing occasionally, to reviewing more and more, but I didn\’t realize my first review went up so long ago.
When I started sharing my reviews on Social Media I wanted to make sure I was sharing the books I was currently reading in a somewhat timely manner, as I do try to read some recent releases… but I also wanted to share some of my older reviews. The books that came out years ago are still good books, they may not be \”classics\”, but many of them are still enjoyable reads worth picking up and checking out, and shouldn\’t be neglected simply because I read them before I got on social media.
As for my personal history with reviewing… a friend challenged me to review every book I read several years ago.
I have never been one to write 1 star reviews, unless I have something worthwhile to say. Nor do I feel a book that is well written, but simply \”isn\’t my thing\” deserves one star… because for someone who it is \”their thing\” that\’s a four star book. That\’s something I try to keep in mind as I post my reviews — it isn\’t just whether or not the book resonated with me, or a piece of clothing was a good fit on my body frame.
So I don\’t review every book I read — I review the ones I enjoy, the ones I have something I hope is worthwhile to say about… the ones I found something in as I read them. Sometimes I\’ll read a book, and there will be a thread woven through about grief, a beautiful thread about that emotional journey. It isn\’t what the story is about. It may be a secondary character that is grieving and being supported by the main characters, and yet it enriches the story… and that thread can add true sparkle to a book that without it wouldn\’t be as memorable as I reached the last page.
When I write book reviews I try, very hard, to avoid spoilers. Sometimes that leaves me writing a very brief review. That by no means is to say the book is not worth reading. Rather it means I really want you to uncover all the secrets and surprises of the story within the author\’s pages.

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